I am so excited to start my food blog. I have acquired such a passion for cooking and learning new things over the past few years. My husband was the first to spark my enthusiasm in cooking and then The Food Network took it to a whole new level. I never thought that a cooking network would supply me with countless hours of entertainment. It is one of the only channels I watch anymore. You can imagine my excitement to register for all new kitchen stuff when my husband and I got married this past November. Now if I only had room in our small kitchen to store it all….I can’t WAIT to buy a home and have a big kitchen again!
I am a first timer at this whole blog thing so bare with me as I learn. I think this will be a great tool for keeping all of my recipes archived and a place of inspiration when my hubby and I are having one of those nights where we don’t know what to cook for dinner. We are both very indecisive so you can imagine what a task that can be at times.
Well, I hope you enjoy….I am looking forward to sharing mine and my husbands recipes and learning many more from others.
Oh my goodness! Why have you been hiding from us for so long. All these things look delicious!!